Our Vision














Help the Blind and Visually impaired by Pioneering

a non-profit Eye centre with Surgery Service in Congo Republic



Photo: Walking sticks left behind by the blind after their operations



We are pioneering an eye surgical centre in Congo! 

Four in five people in the world who are blind need not be blind because their causes of blindness are either preventable or treatable. Half of these blind people can see again through a simple cataract operation that costs as little as 50 pounds. We have a passion to literally help people see again. Henri is a senior ophthalmic technician with surgical skills whilst Joyce is a family doctor. Together, we want to use the medical skills that God has blessed us with as a vehicle to bring hope to the blind and their loved ones in Africa. Often, the enormity of this task overwhelms us. It seems so hard, in fact closer to impossible. Who are we to even attempt to do this? Yet at the same time, we are so excited because we know that we will once again be amazed by our mighty God with whom the bible says that all things are possible. We left the UK in April 2012 to set this up within a great missionary hospital called Pioneer Christian Hospital in Impfondo. Watch... this... space! 

We would love the honour of partnering with you in Impfondo. What a ray of hope we can bring together to Congo! We need to raise all our ministry and living expenses ourselves. Medical ministry is not cheap, but we simply cannot put a price tag on sight. If we have all the start up equipment, we estimate that we only need about 50 pounds to help a blind person see again and change his and his family's lives completely forever through cataract surgery.


If you want to play a part in this exciting life-transforming project,

please do let us know.


Thank you!