What others including the Press have said about us

New Sight is the winner of the international eXcellence in Ophthalmology Vision Award (XOVA) 2012. 
For photos, please click here.


To read an article on us to accompany the BBC TV report, pls click here.


明報 (Ming Pao)

To read this 2014 newspaper feature on us, pls click here.

To read this 2012 newspaper feature on us, pls click here.


信報 (Hong Kong Economic Journal)

To read this full page Apr 2014 newspaper feature on us, pls click here.

POST magazine

To read this full page magazine feature on us, pls click here.

South China Morning Post

To read this newspaper feature on us, pls click here.

To read a follow-up newspaper feature on us, pls click here 

大公報 (Tai Kung Pao)

To read a full page newspaper feature on us, pls click here.


Yorkshire Evening Post

To read this double-paged article on us, pls click here.


The Voice


Incredible!  So humbling!  Hopefully this means more resources raised to help the people of Congo!


Young Post (South China Morning Post)

To read this front page article, please click here.


United World College Life Magazine

To read an article on us, pls click here


Proclaim 傳 magazine

To read this Chinese magazine feature on us, pls click here

'When I met Joyce and Henri, I was very impacted.  They inspired me.  Many people talk about what they want to do, have grand ideas, big visions form God.  What marks this remarkable couple out is they are actually doing it.  They are leaving their friends and families, uprooting their three young children, giving up the comforts and security of their life in the UK to go into the very depths of Africa.  All this is to serve the cause of the poor and needy (Isaiah 58:6-10).  They literally make people see again !!  They cannot do this without your support.  Please join Lizzie and I and donate just 50 pounds.  With that a blind person can be set free from constant darkness into a whole new world of light, independence and hope!  Please do what you can to support these amazing and inspirational people through prayer and regular financial support.'

John and Lizzie Kirkby

Founders and International Director

Christians Against Poverty



'I have known Joyce and Henri Samoutou since they met each other at Bongolo Hospital in the 1990s. Their remarkable journey has been one of faith, perseverance, service to the poor, and personal sacrifice. Over the past decade it has included short term and long term trips to Africa that regularly produced spiritual fruit and deep appreciation from their patients and their medical colleagues. Henri has a wonderful ability to perform delicate surgery for cataracts, glaucoma, and trauma, using minimal equipment and producing excellent results. Joyce broke the mould by obeying God's call to leave her own people and take the gospel to Africans in Africa. In accepting to develop an ophthalmology service at Pioneer Christian Hospital in Impfondo, Congo, the Samoutous are placing their lives, the lives of their children, and their financial future into the Lord's trustworthy hands. Their ministry promises to bring to a population of tens of thousands of people mired in poverty and hopelessness the light and hope of Jesus. My prayer is that all who read this testimonial will enthusiastically support them in prayer and in giving.'

Dr. David C. Thompson, MD, FACS, FWACS

Assistant Professor of Surgery, Loma Linda University (international division)

Founder and Africa Director for the Pan-African Academy of Christian Surgeons

Bongolo Hospital, Gabon



'As Senior Pastor of Joyce and Henri, I can verify that they are the real deal. We will be getting behind them as a church but they will still require much support. They are committed, extremely hard working and full of fighting faith. And very likeable. I think they're BRILLIANT.'

Dave Gilpin

Senior pastor of Hope City Church, UK



'I have known Joyce and Henri for a decade, and have always been impressed by their indefatigable faith, soft hearts and steely determination! They have nurtured and developed their passion for African mission into something very tangible, which is now about to be fully realized.

I can say with confidence that they will achieve a great deal, not simply because of their skills, determination and resilience, but predominantly because I have seen that God is with them.

Love them, pray for them and give them your support. You will be investing in the Kingdom.'

Dr John Sloan, FRCS, FCEM

Emergency Medicine Consultant

Chair and founder, New Hope Ministries



<<我認識Joyce 的父母親三十多年了,我見證着Joyce的成長,靈性的成熟,不畏艱難,在最有需要的地方,真誠、有使命、有異象、忘我地去服事主和服事人。過往多年,她和她的夫婿並年幼的女兒在非洲加蓬窮困的地方,透過醫療服務建立教會為主多結果子。今次他們一家出發了,到剛果去再次實現他們的夢想,雖然困難重重,但主一定與他們同去!>>

"I have seen Joyce growing up from childhood to adulthood to motherhood as I have known her parents more than 30 years. I have also seen Joyce growing and maturing spiritually as a committed and dedicated Christian with vision and mission to serve the Lord through helping the most needy in the most difficult areas. In the past several years, Joyce and her husband Henri with their kids demonstrated this sacrificially and have borne fruits through their medical services in Gabon. In their new attempt, I trust that with the Lord's blessing, they will be realizing another dream in Congo. They have not been put back by the seemingly insurmountable difficulties. The Lord is with them."

Professor H C Pang, MBE

Civil Engineering Department, University of Hong Kong

Elder, Kowloon Tong Church, Chinese Christian & Missionary Alliance, Hong Kong