Samoutou Family Blog
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About This Blog...

Family of 5 
from Gabon, Hong Kong and the UK   

Living in Impfondo,   
Republic of Congo   
Since April 2012 

Blog by Joyce the mum, 
Homeschooling novice, 
Eye Charity founding doctor / director. 
Reluctant domestic goddess 

Passionate about sashimi, 
helping people see 
physically and spiritually,   
and Jesus   


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P.S. This is the personal blog of the Samoutou family  
(Views our own)  
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Re-entering Civilisation: 10 things I look forward to and 10 things I am nervous about
January 3, 2014


10 things I am most looking forward to as we re-enter civilisation:


  1. Sharing with our supporters about all the exciting things that we are doing together in Congo; Thanking people face to face
  2. No ants or bugs crawling on my body, in my food and in my drinks
  3. Hot showers
  4. Being able to put and flush the toilet paper in the toilet bowl
  5. Sashimi and food (any)
  6. Not worrying about being out of fuel, water, electricity, phone signals, toiletries and homeschooling supplies; Being able to buy and replace things as needed
  7. Not sweating all the time; No heat induced ezcema; No insect bites
  8. Internet from the comforts of my home
  9. A world that involves less waiting, that is more organised, more efficient, and where things are more likely to go according to plan.
  10. Seeing family and friends tops the list!


10 things I am most anxious about in the upcoming trip and would appreciate prayers:


  1. Sharing with our supporters about all the exciting things that we are doing together in Congo – the bits that involve speaking in public; meeting new people; too many things to share and not knowing from where to start
  2. The children’s transition.  Reverse culture shock.  That they won’t want to come back to Congo
  3. Putting on weight because of the good food and comforts of the 21st century
  4. Travelling on my own with the kids for 4 days before we arrive in Hong Kong
  5. Our belongings left behind in our home in Congo can get eaten and destroyed by bugs, mould, rats and lightning
  6. Being able to accomplish all that we need within the timeframe of the trip – finding volunteers, funds, materials and resources for construction and clinical work; consolidating the infrastructure of the charity
  7. Finding a car to use in the UK
  8. Steep learning curve required across a whole range of things – especially nervous about coming to grips with construction, water drilling and filtration, generators and solar powers, packing and shipping a container
  9. I know I shouldn’t think about it yet but I am already preparing myself and the kids for when we have to come back to Congo and say the painful goodbyes again.
  10. Being away from Henri, missing him and needing him – this one definitely tops the list


Really looking forward to seeing you if possible!


You are cordially invited to our gathering at
City University, Hong Kong
Sat 18 Jan, 3-5pm
It is going to be super fun and special!


For more details, please click here.


To RSVP, please click here.

Filed under: Musings, Food, Living in Congo, Developing countries, Raising children, Third Culture Kids and MKs, Make a difference


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