Samoutou Family Blog
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About This Blog...

Family of 5 
from Gabon, Hong Kong and the UK   

Living in Impfondo,   
Republic of Congo   
Since April 2012 

Blog by Joyce the mum, 
Homeschooling novice, 
Eye Charity founding doctor / director. 
Reluctant domestic goddess 

Passionate about sashimi, 
helping people see 
physically and spiritually,   
and Jesus   


Please do give comments and feedbacks so that we can improve the way we communicate with you!

P.S. This is the personal blog of the Samoutou family  
(Views our own)  
Please contact us to subscribe to New Sight official newsletters.  

Thank you for your support! 


Recent Posts

Samoutou Family Health and Travel Update (2 July 14)
July 2, 2014

Thank you for your love, care and prayers.  Our family is thrilled to announce that Joyce saw the hospital specialist again this morning and has been given the go-ahead to return to Congo!  We will be able to leave the UK on 14 July.  If you would like to pray for us, here are some requests:


  • Thank God with us for what we have been able to accomplish during this amazing trip.  There is still so much to do.  Some definitely have to be done before we leave the UK – please pray that we will be able to do them despite the very short time we have left.


  • Thank God that Joyce has not had any further medical complications.  Please continue to pray for Joyce’s health, especially that she will be able to cope with the work before us.


  • Please pray for our preparation and journey back to Congo, both the practicalities and the matters of the heart – shopping, packing, and saying goodbyes.  We need a miraculous provision of strength, energy, and above all time.


  • Please pray especially for the children as they say goodbye and as they deal with the challenges of re-entering what feels like a very different world – the heat, the mosquitoes, the food, the culture, the standard of living, etc.,


  • Please pray for our parents.  Both Joyce and Henri are now only children. 


  • Please pray for wisdom as we go onto the next level of this big adventure in Congo.


  • Please pray for a school teacher for our children, and for a team to come join us in our work.  If you are interested to come, please get in touch!  It doesn’t hurt to ask for more information!


If you are in the UK, chances are we have been thinking of you, and wishing that we had more time to meet and chat on the phone.  It had not been easy with Joyce’s illness.  If we don’t get a chance to catch up before we leave, please know that we love and miss you!


Thank you again!  We appreciate you! 


Lots of love,

Joyce, Henri, with Cherissa, Ezra and Karis



Filed under: Newsletter, Musings, Living in Congo, Developing countries, Homeschooling, Raising children, Third Culture Kids and MKs, Make a difference


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